Communic'Art LAUNCHES ITS IPHONE APPLICATION available on the apple store

Communic’Art app is available as a free download on the Apple store since April 1st. Created by the agency Communic’Art with RedShift, the app is dedicated to the Art world.
- The app allows art lovers to be informed on an upcoming artfair, a gallery opening, the release of a new art catalogue, any information Communic’Art is the messenger.
- The flipbook of Communic’Art is available on the application as a catalog that we can turn the page very simply.
It’s a demonstration of remarquable fludity, of what is possible to show on a Iphone and soon on Ipad or any other tablet.
- ArtPrice index of confidence in the art market, appears, a gesture, updated in real time.
- Art lovers can share this informations by e-mail and Facebook.
The flow of information is updated on WordPress, in a real time, from the website, created by Communic’Art and Milky Interactive.
“With this example, Communic’Art shows Artworld professionals and museum institutions its ability to create useful and innovative Iphone applications“ underlines François Blanc.
>Download the application Communic’Art<
Join Communic’Art on Facebook and Twitter !
Communic’Art – 216, Boulevard Raspail – Tel : +331 43 20 12 10 -