
>>> 10.10.2009

Communic’Art created a campaign"OF WHICH ARTIST WILL YOU BECOME SPONSOR?"


Comité Professionnel des galeries d’art
83, rue du Faubourg Saint Honoré – 75008 Paris
el : +331 42 66 66 62


At the time of FIAC in october 2009, the Comité Professionnel des Galeries d’Art, chaired by Patrick Bongers and gathering over 180 galleries in France, took the initiative to communicate strongly on the sponsorship law updated in France in 2003. If the law is aimed at both businesses and individuals, the Committee chose initially to target businesses and explained the tax measures reserved for businesses.

Communic’Art created a communication’s campaign around the forceful slogan “De quel artiste vivant allez-vous devenir le mécène?”( “Of Which Artist will you become the Sponsor ? “. The slogan is declined on a four-pages brochure and two advertising inserts in the fairs catalogues. The booklet presents four devices of the law:

- The measures favouring the commitment of all businesses in supporting contemporary art creation.
- The scarcity of constraints to become the sponsor of a living artist.
- Three examples of calculation to evaluate the benefits of the law.
- Why it is still wise to buy in an art gallery.

Printed in 10 000 copies, this brochure will be distributed during FIAC and Slick by members of Le Comité Professionnel des Galeries d’Art. The double page in the catalogue of the FIAC, space offered by the organizers, summarizes the description made in the brochure. It is the same for the single page in the catalogue of Slick, space offered by the organizers.

The entire text of the law can be found on the Comité Professionnel des Galeries d’Art website :



Comité Professionnel des galeries d’art
83, rue du Faubourg Saint Honoré – 75008 Paris
el : +331 42 66 66 62

Comite professionnel des galeries d'art