Barnebys is in French : 100 francophone auction houses already partners

Barnebys is the world's leading online search and valuation tool for artworks, antiques, and collectibles. It is free to access and available in five languages.
Founded in Stockholm in 2011 by Christopher Barnekow and Pontus Silfverstolpe, Barnebys is articulated around six functions: the search for objects in sales, the history of the actual sales, an estimation service, back-up of research, reception of alert e-mails when new objects are added and leading content in the form of blogs or newsletters.
Barnebys has launched into the French speaking market with a specially adapted version of the plateform. is already connected to more than 100 francophone auction houses such as Artcurial, Tajan, Sotheby's Paris or Aguttes. Extremely aware of its potential, registers new partners every week.
Available today in five languages (English, Spanish, Swedish, German and French), soon six (Mandarin Chinese), Barnebys has become a reference point for the auction market.
Barnebys is financed by partnerships with each auction house and antique dealer according to ‘Click and buy’ monetization model. This system allows the least recognized auction houses to be exposed in the same way as the most famous houses.
This system allows the least recognized auction houses to be exposed in the same way as the most famous houses.
Barnebys is a strong market leader in Sweden and already established well in Anglophone countries. Each month, more than 1 million visitors connect from 150 countries use Barnebys.
It is a true meeting between the traditional art market and innovation coming together on the Internet. Barnebys has the authority to gather the world of bidding in one place and to become the most the benchmark platform of for the market as the site
facilitates access for all to the objects proposed by auction houses and antiques around the world.