
>>> 23.04.2019

Prête-moi ton rêve, for the first time in Africa, a traveling exhibition of African contemporary art

Main image : 

Soly Cissé
© F Maazouz

Image above : 

Poster of the exhibition

The Fondation pour le Développement de la Culture Contemporaine Africaine (FDCCA) is organising a major travelling exhibiting entitled “Prête-moi ton rêve” (Lend me Your Dream) which opens in Casablanca on June 18th 2019. The exhibition will bring together some thirty world famous African artists of 15 different nationalities and will visit 6 countries across the continent.


After Casablanca, the group show will travel to Dakar, Abidjan, Lagos, Addis Ababa and Cape Town over a period of twelve months, rather like a cultural caravan representing contemporary African art. It will close in Marrakech in 2020.

This first ambitious project will bring together more than 100 previously unseen creations produced by the artists during residencies prior to the event, together with some of their most iconic pieces.

The travelling exhibition is a reflection of the abundance and vitality of the African art scene. It aims to increase the international visibility of local contemporary artists, to give rise to a pan-African circuit of cultural distribution and to foster dialogue and exchange between established and emerging artists.



18th June 2019: vernissage of the travelling exhibition at the Maison de l’Union (the former Résidence Générale), Casablanca.

18th June 2019: “Carte blanche” exhibition inauguration.

19th June 2019: vernissage of the Farid Belkahia tribute exhibition.


18th, 19th and 20th June 2019: conference and panel discussions.

Launch of the Club Africain des Collectionneurs (African Collectors Club).


Main image : 

Soly Cissé
© F Maazouz

Image above : 

Poster of the exhibition

"Prête-moi ton rêve"